Wag the Dog2022/03/14 19:53

These days the headlines of newspapers or on the internet are all the same. They’re about the Russian Ukraine war. So it’s the only thing people talk about. It seems Omicron has taken a back seat in the headlines. Are infections still spreading like wildfire? Is it finished? The media is such a powerful tool to change the public’s mindset.

Anyway, I watched a movie last week that made me think about the headlines we read every day. The movie is called “Wag the Dog” with Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The story is about how top level government or media people create events ,even wars, to cover up facts that they don’t want the public to harp on. It made me think about how much Russia-Ukraine videos or headlines are actually true. And by the way, Have you noticed how Putins body shape and sharp eyes have changed That’s because it’s not really him. It’s a fake. I don’t know what happened to the real Putin but it’s really clear that the Putin we see in the news these days is not him. So anyway you should watch the movie “Wag the Dog” It’s fiction but it could very well be based on fact.



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