a WISE DAY2013/04/07 22:42

Actually it wasn't such a wise day. I spent it at Wiseman English school. Wiseman has a free talk room. I taught 3 lessons and waited around. But at 6:00 東大の学生あそびにきました。ポストのちらしでWiseman してった。He said he would become a student. GREAT!!!すばらし!!!。でも、まだまだせいとがたりない。WE need at least 50 to make ends meet and we barely have 20.. But they're coming little by little,少しずつ来てます。たいへんけどしょがない。

abc mart2013/04/09 00:44

I went to ABC Mart today. ABC Mart わかりますか?It's a shoe store.
いい靴みつかりました。Rockportと言うメーカー。買えたかたけど、カード(マスターカード)いえにわすれちゃった。I'm going back tomorrow to buy them. Usually I'm a hush puppies fan, but these were only \10,000 yen. A BARGAIN!!! I'll show you a picture of them tomorrow.

Leggings OK or not?2013/04/10 23:44

So did you hear about the new dress code controversy in American Junior high and High schools? Girls are not allowed to wear leggings as pants. You know what I mean? We sometimes see it in Japan. The first time I saw it I wondered are those pants or tights? Should she be wearing something over it? The article I read said that some of the leggings were made of sheer material so that you could just about see through them, revealing their under garments.
Well some schools in U.S. finally banned students from wearing only leggings. Leggings could be worn if they had something over the leggings like shorts or a skirt. So 48% of parents agreed with the new dress code. And 17% disagreed.. Maybe some of the 17% were the ヤンママthat we see with their children in tote.

Wiseman wild night2013/04/20 23:20

Hello all
I'd like to tell you about the wild night the freetalk Friday night group had last Friday. Acrually I was not there but chris (our teacher from UK) was. He told meabout it so now I'm telliing you. they all went to Tom's kitchen down the street from Wiseman. Everyone got uninhibited and spoke out about what was on their minds and their recent events over food and drink it was a funfilled night and so the next time we'll have more advertisements about it and I hope all you readers can join next time.