20132013/01/01 19:11

It’s been a while since I’ve contributed to my own blog. Guess I’ve been lazy and haven’t thought about what to write. It’s New Year’s day and so I’ll let you know my prospects for the new year.
I’ve just opened a new English school in Sengoku (10 minutes walk from Sugamo on the Yamanote line). Opening a new school from scratch is an ordeal when you have to have teachers on hand with no students. We’ve decided to post 10,000 flyers and plan events to draw students. We actually started last Saturday and we managed to land 4 students. It’s a far cry from becoming profitable but at least it’ll be stimulating and challenging.
Last night at the local shrine I got my fortune and it read that I have to be patient but things will go well in the business field for 2013. Astrologically, My progressed moon phase is applying to the new moon which is excellent for planting the seed for the new beginning so, it’s a good time to start. I’ll keep you posted on the progress.